Essays on Before the Rain
(click on links to open, hover over for reference information)

Annette Insdorf: Misdirection/ Visual Narration (excerpt from Cinematic Overtures)

Angelina Ilieva: Before the Rain – Gaze

Danica Jenkins: Cinema opens a dialogue about coming to terms with Balkans’ past

Rod Dreher: Multiculturalism And Modernity

Raquel Wandelli: Durante as guerras, depois da história, antes da chuva. Cinema hipertextual (in Portuguese)

Ian Christie: Never-Ending Story

Erik Tängerstad: After the War? A Historical Reflection on the Film Before the Rain

Keith Brown: Macedonian Culture and its Audiences: An Analysis of Before the Rain

Ann Kibbey: Montage and the Semiotics of Credibility: An Analysis of Before the Rain

Sean Homer: Nationalism, Ideology and Balkan Cinema: Re-reading Kusturica's Underground

Erik Tängerstad: Violence - Visualised and Viewed: An Exertion on the Films Before the Rain and Dust

Katarzyna Marciniak: Transnational Anatomies of Exile and Abjection in Milcho Manchevski's Before the Rain

Michèle Bacholle: Pushing the Limits of Autobiography: Schizophrenia in the Works of Farida Belghoul, Agota Kristof and Milcho Manchevski

Antonio Monegal: Aporias of the War Story

Thomas Woodard: Living/Reliving - Before The Rain

Irena Makarushka: Religion, Ethnicity and Violence in Before the Rain

Marta Soria and Pablo Arnau: Análisis Estético Y Ético De Una Película (Ejemplo de película analizada: Before the Rain de Manchevsky) (in Spanish)

Alicia Naput: La Tragedia En Elcine (in Spanish)

Nelly Marzouka: Antes de la Lluvia - la Decisión de Vivir en el Ser o en la Negación de Ser: el Tener (in Spanish)

Svetlana Slapsak: Legenda o nepotrebnoj smrti (in Serbian)

Tanja Milicic-Wagner: Home

Andrzej Werbart: Our Need of Taboo: Pictures of Violence and Mourning Difficulties

Angelina Ilieva: Seeing and Being Seen: Negotiating the Western Gaze in Milcho Manchevski's Before the Rain

Dennis Yuen: James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" and Milcho Manchevski's "Before the Rain" - Storyboard for Hyper-Narrative Assignment

David Felipe Arranz: Las 100 mejores películas sobre migración (in Spanish)

Transmediale Texture, Heinz-Peter Preußer: Tödliche Blicke (in German)

Richard Gaughran: Taking Sides with a Macedonian Film

Gordana P. Crnkovic: Milcho Manchevski’s Before the Rain and the Ethics of Listening

Tatjana Petzer: Blickregime und Bildgewalt (in German)

Vojislava Filipcevic: Reversing the Gaze: Western Perception and the Wars of the former Yugoslavia in Film (Summary)

Vangelis Calotychos: Born To Be Wild?: Repetition Compulsion, Agency, And 'The Lessons Of History' (Summary)'

Angelina Ilieva: The Circle Is Not Round: National Myth and Narrative Form in Milcho Manchevski's Before the Rain (Summary)

CineFix: 10 Best Structured Movies of All Time (video)

David Scott Diffrient: Alternate futures, contradictory pasts: Forking paths and cubist narratives in contemporary film

Эрик Тангерстад: Насилие - показанное и увиденное: на примере фильмов Милчо Манчевского "Перед дождем" и "Прах" (in Russian)

Dr. Sasho Alexander Lambevski: Feeling The Paranoiac, The Schizo And The Depressive - A Semiotic Analysis of Macedonia's Emotional Architecture in Before the Rain

■ Dagmar Benke: Film Analysis: Before the Rain

Erik Tängerstad: Innan avgõrandet faller (Before the Decision) (in Swedish)

Andrzej Werbart: Our Need of Taboo: Pictures of Violence and Mourning Difficulties

Luc Bovens: Moral Luck, Photojournalism, and Pornography

■ Joao Vicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira: Before The Rain - An Aesthetics of Paradox

Петър Кръстев: Уредбата на Балканитe (in Bulgarian)

Milcho Manchevski: Introduction to letters in the Before the Rain DVD

Download the letters in Before the Rain DVD

Марјан Марковиќ: Македонскиот стандарден и дијалектен јазик во филмовите на Милчо Манчевски.

Виктор Фридман: За 25-годишнината од филмот „Пред дождот“ на Милчо Манчевски

Eva Luisa Gómez Montero of King Juan Carlos University: The Мythical Тimelessness and Irreversibility of History in the Conception of the Myth of the Eternal Returner: Before the Rain

„Пред дождот“ - Филмски плакати - Мапи

Kyoko Hirano: Pleasure of Cinema: BEFORE THE RAIN






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