Masses moving across the sweltering concrete, to the glass towers and into the subway mouths, eyes glued to the little screens, inhaling the images from halfway around the globe, oblivious to the life at their own feet.


Cast and crew
Written and directed by Milcho Manchevski
Executive Producer Gerald Herman
Produced by Aaron Levine
Director of Photography Eun-ah Lee
Edited by Peter Mostert
Music composed by Igor Vasilev Novogradska
Sound Designer Glen Landrum
Colorist Alex Berman
Flame Artist Alex Catchpoole
Starring Laura Lassy and Ewen Avery.


Country of Origin – USA
Genre  – Drama
Length – 1-½  mins.
World Premiere – August 28, 2013, Venice Film Festival



Life is Elsewhere

Mostra Venezia 2013: 70 Future Reloaded
Written and Directed by Milcho Manchevski

